Proper handling of your trees is the first step to success. Always handle the root ball instead of the body of the tree. Pulling or prying on the tree can loosen the tree roots in the ball. If you use the pinching type of forks on your equipment, be careful not to smash the root ball, which can damage roots and loosen the tree.
When standing the tree on the truck we recommend using a strap around the ball or through the wire rather than lifting by the trunk or the tree itself.
It’s very important to hill or plant the trees within 24 hours to keep the ball from freezing & thawing repeatedly or drying out. Root balls should be covered to the top of the ball and watered in right away. We have found that fresh wood chips break down & produce microrisea which disintegrates the burlap. This process can be slowed down by mixing 1/3 new chips with 2/3 of the old hilling material.
During the winter and early spring, many road departments use magnesium chloride as a de-icer. This salt can be splashed onto the trees during shipment and will turn the foliage red. Ask your driver if they encountered rain or snow while on route. We recommend spraying the foliage of all the trees with a large volume of water once they are off the truck.
Insecticide application is recommended as soon as the trees are bedded. Freshly dug trees budding time can be delayed as much as 6 to 8 weeks. This gives insects such as the Tip Weevil and Cooley Spruce Gall an extended time to attack your trees. We recommend using a long term residual and systemic insecticide with possible reapplication when necessary. Check with your local chemical supplier for specific application recommendations.
Fertilizing is another very important component for maintaining the health of the trees on your lot or when out planted. Whether you use granular or water soluble fertilizer, it is vital to get the solution into the root zone.
Another common method is spraying the foliage with water soluble fertilizer. Foliar application is especially helpful for those trees that seem to be late in budding. Some nurseries have had success with Bio-Plex or similar products applied to the foliage as well as the root ball.
We all know watering is vital to plant survivability. How you water is dictated by your particular setup, overhead or drip. With overhead irrigation, it can be difficult to get the ball wet because the branches shed the water off the ball. It is much easier to wet the ball with some form of drip irrigation. Large balls 50+ inches might need 2 to 4 emitters or an emitter ring.
Circle D Farms strives to send you healthy trees that are freshly dug to maximize survival and growth. Maintaining the health of these trees will give you a product you can be proud of.